
Welcome to the Workshop section of ReeR Academy dedicated to safety regulations and applications in industrial automation.

These workshops will enable you to understand the main aspects of the new EN ISO 13849-1:2023 standard and the upcoming changes to EN ISO 14119. We will delve together into two crucial sections of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC: the distinction between machinery and quasi-machinery and Safety Limited Speed (SLS).
This will be the perfect opportunity to stay abreast of the latest developments in safety and regulatory compliance.

In addition, you will have the opportunity to explore ReeR Safety’s new product innovations, delving into the application solutions that are right for you.

During the workshops, our speakers will be on hand to accommodate specific requests and questions, to better adhere to the needs and answer participants’ questions with concrete examples.

Registration is free, but is guaranteed while seats last.
So don’t wait, register now!

The workshops will be presented in different regions of Italy on different dates, choose the location and date most convenient


Wednesday, March 6
presso l’hotel TULIP INN TURIN WEST,
Corso Giuseppe Canonico Allamano, 153 – Torino

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Wednesday, March 6
presso l’hotel TULIP INN TURIN WEST,
Corso Giuseppe Canonico Allamano, 153 – Torino

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ReeR Academy

Our lecturers

Adolfo Fiaccadori

Fiaccadori studio –

Giuseppe Oliverio

After sales manager –

Stefano Criscuoli

After sales ReeR –