
Our latest news

New membership

ReeR Ibérica is a member of the Spanish Association of Robotics and Automation!
AER Automation is a non-profit association founded in 1985 that brings together the main players in the industrial, service and educational automation and robotics market: Manufacturers, Distributors, Engineering, Integrators, Technology Centers, Startups, Universities, Centers Training and user companies.


ReeR is UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental) and UNI ISO 45001:2018 (Workplace Safety) certified. Certificates that underline the attention paid to the working environment, safety management and the health of workers.
However, the company is undergoing a profound transformation and ongoing investments will continue to ensure high levels of safety and functional, fit-for-purpose workplaces in the future.

Greenhouse gas emission

We can mention among the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions, consumption of methane for heating, consumption of electricity, emissions due to fuel for company cars and emissions due to fuel for home-work journeys.
As a result of this analysis, one of the actions taken by ReeR was to conclude green electricity supply contracts by requiring the supplier to certify and contract that it comes entirely from renewable sources (e.g. hydroelectric, wind and photovoltaic).

Safeguarding resources

Everyone’s conscious contribution is crucial. The combination of continuous training and awareness-raising is the key to building and strengthening a culture of resource conservation. During the year, we launched projects to reduce paper consumption and promote its recovery and reuse through
– the digitisation of documents within certain processes
– continuous training for all staff
– the recovery and reuse of paper printed on the front side only

Aware of the importance of saving and reducing the use of raw materials, ReeR favours more sustainable, recyclable or recycled materials. Printer paper is sourced from suppliers with European marks certifying its reduced environmental impact: the paper used in the company is FSC and PEFC certified, as is that used for printing catalogues and advertising material.

Plastic free water

In order to eliminate the production of plastic waste as much as possible, ReeR has equipped each company department with water dispensers and provided each employee with a personal reusable container.

Waste management

Recovery, reuse, recycling are three words that in the Agenda 2030 program must become three concrete facts for all production and product life cycles. In this sense, ReeR promotes a sustainable culture internally and stimulates conscious actions by employees to separate waste (plastic, glass, paper, etc.).

Less consumption and waste, more recycling is what we wish to convey to all our employees by giving useful suggestions that can be employed in working life, and beyond.

In this program we are committed to zero consumption of hazardous chemicals and materials, replacing them where possible with less hazardous and eco-sustainable substances to protect the health of our employees.

Relamping and automation

Technology and innovation in support of the environment: ReeR’s ongoing corporate restructuring since 2019 includes the renovation of premises, making them more sustainable in terms of safety, air quality and energy savings.
232 LED lamps have been installed and replaced in the last year.